Hello 👋 I'm
Abid Sayyed
And I'm a Full Stack Dev
I need a web application I'm looking to hire

About me

I'm Abid and I'm a Full Stack Dev

I'm Full Stack Developer. My goal is to build a fast, flexible,mobile-first website that clearly communicates with visitors. I have done my B.SC-computer science from Mumbai University and MCA from Vellore Institute Of Technology.

My skills

My creative skills & experiences

Data Dashboard Project

Integrating a Django Back-end and a React Front-end, the Data Dashboard project makes use of Chart.js and Bootstrap for dynamic data visualization. Users can upload JSON data and benefit from over eight filters for data manipulation.

Custom Firefox Browser Extension

Enhance the search engine experience with a custom Firefox Browser Extension. Simplify text interaction on webpages and streamline information retrieval for a smoother browsing experience.

Restaurant Management Systems

Specializing in creating user-friendly Restaurant Management Systems, my work ensures seamless operations and an enhanced dining experience for both customers and staff.

Movie Recommendation Systems

Crafting intelligent Movie Recommendation Systems, I enhance the cinematic experience by providing personalized movie recommendations based on user preferences and behaviors.

My Projects

Contact me

Reach Out to me!

Discuss a Project or just want to say Hi? My inbox is open for all.

Abid Sayyed
Mumbai, India
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